Stem Cell Research and Leukemia Review
Proposition 71 started stem cell research in California. This also includes creating CIRM (California Institute of Regenerative Medicine). However, stem cell research doesn’t end there. Proposition 14 is an inquiry for more funds to continue the expansion of stem cell research. To obtain an accurate and precise understanding of how Proposition 14 impacts lives, the focus is shifted to how stem cell research alters the lives of the leukemia community located in San Diego. Stem cell research influences the leukemia community in many ways (e.g. cirmtuzumab, antibodies, and lawsuits).
The positive ways stem cell research influences San Diego’s leukemia community is through cirmtuzumab and antibodies. Cirmtuzumab can impact the leukemia community for the better. Clinicaltrials presents a study done by Thomas Kipps where Kipps tested the limits of cirmtuzumab and how much one can take at a safe dosage. Though Kipp’s findings are in its first stage, it’s significant to the leukemia community because it brings the battle for a cure closer. Another positive influence is antibodies. NOTCH1 Signaling Promotes Human T-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Initiating Cell Regeneration in Supportive Niches, a study led by Wenxue Ma, to discover how the NOTCH1 mutation could repress first stage leukemia. This exploration was found by testing on mouses. Ma’s revelation is beneficial to the leukemia community because it aids those who are in their first stage of leukemia. Studies like cirmtuzumab and NOTCH1 benefits the leukemia community in San Diego.

Though there are studies that aid leukemia, there are groups who set on exploiting the desperate needs of the leukemia patients like StemGenex and Liveyon. Stemgenex went through a lawsuit with Selena Moorer due to false advertising. Stemgenex took advantage of the needs of people like leukemia patients to market products that would not aid their condition and may worsen it. Stem cell research opened a gate for companies who want to exploit what stem cell research could do. Another company is Liveyon who markets stem cell products as well. Liveyon Labs Inc recieved a warning letter from the FDA (Food Drug Administration) about their unapproved and unsafe product. However, Liveyon continues to ignore that and market to desperate groups including the leukemia community. Negative things can come from stem cell research such as companies who want to take advantage of people.

Stem cell research has the potential to improve many lives. Specially the leukemia community shown through studies of drugs and antibodies that help fight off leukemia. On the other hand, there are companies like Stemgenex and Liveyon who take advantage of this need and use it to market products that negative impact the leukemia community. Liveyon managed to escape the FDA. To further understand, the next approach would be investigating if the information given accurately represents all that affects the leukemia community in San Diego.